The Grapes Juice is a particular product born around the’ year 2000, when many industrial companies , to solve the problem of inefficient , they began to bottle the fresh Must , just obtained from the pressing of the grapes . The aim was to find accommodation for the excess production of grapes , almost always available in abundant quantity with respect to the maximum limit established by the disciplinary production of DOC and DOCG wines. Thus was born an innovative product that has remained for several years, and it is all ‘now in hand to ‘ industry . However , as early as 2012 – 2013 , some farms , in agreement with each other , they started to produce their grapes juice and sell it in the channels in which the product had never existed , such as catering and wine bars. In this way, the juice has taken on a new image, that of a healthy and genuine that even children can safely drink.
More informations
Basic Information
Name of the product: Grape Juice
Vine Variety : Moscato and Barbera
Denomination: No
Classification : Grape Juice
Colour: Rosé
Typology: Firm
Country / Region: Italy – Piedmont
Vintage year : 2015
Alcohol content : 0,21 %
Residual sugar : 163 g / L.
Aging: In steel containers
Number of bottles produced: 300 (production of very limited evidence)
Vinification process
Method: The grapes are carefully selected , are first washed with a solution of water , citric acid and sulfur , in order to remove all traces of dust, dirt and pesticides , in order to have a healthy and clean raw material . As a result , the grapes Moscato and Barbera , assembled together, are de-stemmed , crushed and conveyed to a cold maceration for 24 hours with enzymes, in order to extract the coloring matter from the skin . As a result , the grapes are then pressed and undergoes Must obtained clarification followed by filtration narrow, in order to eliminate the yeast that may cause fermentation. The product is then stored at a temperature of – 1 ° C – 0 ° C until the time of ‘ bottling . Before being bottled , the juice undergoes a series of still sterile filtration and microfiltration, in order to eliminate all the microorganisms responsible for alterations or uncontrolled fermentation .
Temperature : 0 ° C for the duration of the process
Duration : Approximately 1 months
Malolactic: Not carried out
Aging: Approximately 1 month bathtub d ‘ steel refrigerated
Age of barrels : Do not use
Type of barrels : Do not use
Type of wood: Not used
Level of Toast : Do not use
Percentage of New Barrel: Do not use
Time timber: Do not use
Minimum time in bottle: 10 – 15 days from ‘ bottling
Empty Bottle Weight: 200 grams
Date of Bottling: 20/11/2015
Aging Potential : 1.5 years
Cork Size: Crown cap
Cork Material : Metal
Type of bottle : Bottle Tropical , White glass , from 0.25L
% Grape / vine: 60 % Moscato and 40 % Barbera
Soil: marl, clay and an abundance of limestone and magnesium.
Exposure: South
Agricultural method : spontaneous grassing , with 2 cuttings of ‘grass during the spring – summer and tillage ( plowing with ripper teeth 3 ) at 30-40 cm depth , carried out in the autumn. Limited use of herbicides and fungicides . It ‘ also practiced a slight thinning to avoid excess production and improve quality.
Year of installation : 1977
Date of Harvest: 07/09/2015
Type of Harvest : Manual in boxes forelle.
Geolocation: Media hill
Chemical analysis
Total Acidity [ g / L of acid Tatrarico ] : 7,00 g / L.
Volatile acid [ g / L of acetic acid ] : Traces
Total SO2 [mg / L ]: Absent
Free SO2 [mg / L ]: Absent
Overpressure [ bar at 20 ° C] : Absent
Number bottles in box: 12
Size of the box: 225 x 170 x 215 mm
Type of housing : white corrugated cardboard in low wave.